Racism continues to be a major problem throughout the world. It divides continents, countries and even villages over race, religion or just skin color. Despite laws and International intervention, racism is still very much a problem today in many countries. As a whole, racism is bad for society, but gets even worse when it manifests into slavery, segregation, genocide and war. Obviously any war or event where lives are taken is the pinnacle of racism, but it starts with basic discrimination that is not typically tied to quality of life or even region of the world. This is a widespread problem that continues to be a work in progress.

This list looks at the 12 most racist countries in the world:


Despite the great Nelson Mandela devoting his life to end racism in South Africa, unfortunately, some groups still haven’t accepted the government’s policies to end racism. The prices of products and goods in some specific areas of South Africa may vary depending on your race, color and many other social factors. Pathetic isn’t it. While you are going in a mall and get a thing in 5 USD while a negro get the same thing in 10 USD.


The United States is usually thought of as a place of peace, happiness and prosperity. However, a general assumption might not be the true face of every area of the United States. Particularly, towards the Deep South and Mid-West regions of the United States. Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and Tennessee are considered most racist states in US where racism has become a routine. It is practiced against Asians, Africans, South Americans and even the natives of USA i.e. the Native Americans, racism exists in the United States though on a small scale.


Saudi Arabia is a very rich and powerful country due to their oil resources. The problem is how they use their power by exploiting their neighboring (not as rich) countries such as India and Pakistan. Saudi Arabia will use people from these developing countries for jobs that pay little and offer poor conditions. On top of that they are not treated well, are forced to live in conditions not suited for mankind. In addition to the labor issues, Saudi Arabia also shows racist tendencies against other Arab countries, refusing to allow others into their country, or treating them poorly if they seek refuge.


While analyzing most racist countries in Europe, United Kingdom is on top. The racial generalizations are not another thing around the Britain. The racial uproars are basically in the groups of Indigenous whites. Around 87,000 individuals from dark profile admitted to have been confronted a racially roused scene in their schedules while 92,000 whites have likewise been acknowledged to get a racial imprint. These large figures make UK in the list of most racist countries.


Australia doesn’t appear like a nation that can be bigot however the real side is on the contrary. The vast majority of the general population who live in Australia have relocated there from different nations. But then, they feel that any new individual who relocates or moves to Australia to bring home the bacon ought to come back to their nations of origin. In 2009, there were numerous cases in Australia wherein Indians were focused on and bugged. Just about 100 cases were recorded and in 23 cases, there were racial connotations. The laws were made stricter and the circumstance has become much better at this point.


Very few people might have heard of Rwanda but when classifying the most racist countries, the name of this state cannot be ignored. The Rwanda genocide of 1994 is a sign of disgrace in the mankind’s history. It was a horrible time where two ethnic races of Rwanda were at loggerheads and this contention brought about the inside and out and outright butchering of more than 800,000 individuals in Rwanda. The two tribes, Tutsi and Hutu were the ones included where the Tutsi tribe faced the casualties and the Hutu tribe was the culprit. Strains exist between the two even today and even a little start can touch off the fore of blood and abhor in the nation.


The Russian government and people have seen a lot of change over the past 30 years so it’s really no surprise that in some cases racism has become part of this change. Essentially, the people of Russia don’t like anyone who is not Russian. The list includes Asians, Caucasians, Chinese and again, really anyone that is not ethnically Russian. The hate and discrimination is felt in both rural and urban parts of the country. The government continues to try and curb this behavior, but racism still thrives in Russia which already has a rich past of racism related conflict and hate.


For ages, the Shia and Sunni sects have hated each other and been at war. There doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. Pakistan is also always at war with India, leading to much racism between the two countries. That’s apparently not enough as Africans and other countries have had instances of discrimination against them by both the Pakistani people and government. Conflict, and the racism that comes from it, is very political in Pakistan and is watched closely internationally.


Even though Japan is a first world country with laws against racism they continue to discriminate against most anyone who is not a Japanese native. Japan is 98 percent native people and the government does not typically allow people from other countries to come and live in their country. This is especially the case with Muslims who are rarely allowed into Japan because the government believes the two cultures have “compatibility” issues. That’s blatant racism that the government refers to as “positive discrimination.” There is nothing positive when you are knowingly keeping “outsiders” from entering your country. Clearly this is negative and clearly the government doesn’t care.


Given their history, it may be a while before all the hate is wiped out of Germany. Hitler may have left long ago, but Germany remains a racist country where some Germans still feel they are superior to everyone else. Oh, and then there are the Neo-Nazis. Both the United Nations and German government are working hard to stop the Neo-Nazi groups that continue to preach anti-Semitic messages, but they have not been successful in removing the group in its entirety. If that’s not enough (and it should be), German political parties have even been accused of facilitating Neo-Nazi propaganda. Germany is the perfect example of what happens when you have a leader that breeds hate in his country. Hopefully someday the feeling of a “superior race” will be replaced by more welcoming arms.


One of the most racist country in the world. Israel has been amidst debate for some numerous years now. What’s more, it has been so due to the wrongdoings conferred against the general population of Palestine and the Israeli Arabs. Their unjust interference into the land of some other nation has sparked up a race war. After the World War 2, another state was cut for the Jews and the first tenants of the area were compelled to end up displaced people in their own territory. Consequently started the continuous clash amongst Israel and Palestine. Be that as it may, today, we can extremely well perceive how Israel has been abusing the general population and segregation on many racial and social grounds.


Racism in India is pretty straight forward which makes it even worse than these other examples. A child is taught early on in Indian culture that people with white skin are superior to people with dark skin, hence, the hatred toward Africans and other countries with dark skin. What’s surprising is how India doesn’t really acknowledge this attitude; instead, insisting they live in a culture rich in diversity that doesn’t discriminate. In addition to this clearly racist viewpoint, there is xenophobia, a division between the Hindus and Muslims as well as people from the regions of Marathi Manoos and Biharis.

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